

Aug 22, 2023

Heat Pumps: What They Really Mean For You, BBC One, review

In Heat Pumps: What They Really Mean For You, the BBC delivered multiple reasons not to install one in the first 15 minutes

The title of Heat Pumps: What They Really Mean For You (BBC One) was a bit of a swizz. If I tune into a programme about heat pumps, it’s because I want to learn all the pros and cons of heat pumps. But the subject was dealt with in the first 15 minutes, and then never mentioned again. Instead we were told about hydrogen heating systems and nuclear power and wind farms, but I suppose they couldn’t think of a catchy enough title to cover all that.

Really, everything I wanted to know was in those first 15 minutes. Presenter Michelle Ackerley went to visit a couple who were having a heat pump fitted in their home in Hook, Hampshire. The government is currently offering a £5,000 grant to anyone taking the plunge, so did that cover the cost of the upgrade from a gas boiler? Hardly. The price tag for this work on an average-sized bungalow was £18,000.

Ackerley also appeared in last week’s show about electric cars, where she nailed her colours to the mast by declaring that she owned an electric car and loved how handy it was for popping to the shops. She was less enamoured by heat pumps, correctly noting that £18,000 is “a huge amount of money”. The cost comes not from the pump itself, which is covered by the government grant, but by all the extras.

Pipework needed to be routed from the couple’s garage through the loft. All the radiators had to be upgraded. A team of six workers would take more than a week to complete it. Some homes will need extra insulation, and perhaps double glazing, in order to make the work efficient. A chap in charge of the project appeared to say both that the average cost would be about £10,000, and that this couple’s installation was an average project, so that was clear as mud.

Ackerley told us that “you can’t just whack up the temperature” with a heat pump, but didn’t explain this in any detail. No wonder only 60,000 of them were taken up last year – against a government target of 600,000 being installed every year by 2028. BBC climate editor Justin Rowlatt was granted an audience with Graham Stuart, Minister of State for Energy, Security and Net Zero (the poor man drew the short straw there), but their conversation was profoundly unenlightening.

Some of the BBC’s critics accuse it of pushing the net zero agenda. If that was the intention here, it failed: in 15 minutes, it convinced me to avoid heat pumps like the plague, just as last week’s episode made me feel more protective than ever of my ancient, petrol car.

Heat Pumps: What They Really Mean For You